NBS Source
AIM are partners with NBS, which means you can find our products on NBS Source.
NBS Source is a free-to-use construction product platform that allows you to quickly and easily find, select and specify our products.
Boasting enhanced product data in NBS standardised specification format and a range of content, from case studies to third party certificates; NBS Source gives you the detailed information you need to make informed product decisions.
Below is an overview of our product range on NBS Source all authored to NBS specification standards and have both CAWS and Uniclass 2015 classifications. Simply select your chosen product(s) to gain access to NBS authored application and specification functionality for NBS Chorus.
Our Partners & Affiliates

AIM are partners with NBS. Our products can be found on NBS Source and have been authored to NBS specification standards and have both CAWS and Uniclass 2015 classifications.

AIM are members of Centre for Window and Cladding Technology & ASFP.