Twin Scrim Lamella Pads
Lamella slabs which provide a strong, non-combustible core for a variety of sandwich panel type products.
Lamella slabs are generally used to form the core of
structural or composite panels.
Standard rock mineral fibre in its originally produced
form has excellent fire, thermal and acoustic insulation
properties. For improved structural performance the
rock mineral fibre is cut and reformed into ‘lamellas’
where the fibres run perpendicular to the face of the
panel, giving a product with far greater compressive
strength and resistance to shear.
An open weave glass fibre reinforcement mesh is
applied to both faces in order to provide structure to
the pad whilst allowing the adhesive to form a bond
between the fibres of the core and the facing used in
the construction of the composite panel.
Specifically designed so that the rock fibres interface
with the skins of the bonded panel enabling a good
adhesive take up into the structure of the rock mineral
fibre and results in a high shear strength. A highquality durable adhesive specifically designed for this
purpose is essential to ensure satisfactory overall
The slab may be supplied flat or with profiled faces on
one or both sides.
Edge rebate details can be machined to bespoke
Lamella slabs are used as the core in the manufacture
of sandwich panels.
Sandwich panels with a rock mineral fibre core have a
wide range of applications particularly where acoustic
or fire performance is important e.g. partition systems,
external cladding systems, cold store panels and
curtain walling spandrel panels.
- High density stone wool lamella core
- A range of densities available.
- Close tolerance dimensions available if required.
- Provides high rigidity for composite or sandwich panels.
- Can assist in the acheivement of non combustibility in the overall composite panel.
- Can enhance the acoustic performance of the overall composite panel.

Example product installation schematic using materials by others
- Twin Scrim Lamella Pads can be supplied in various rock mineral fibre grades ranging from density 100Kg/m3 to 200Kg/m3. A wide range of other grades are available on request.
- Lamella 100 -
For use with profiled metal skins or flat metal steel thickness 1.0mm minimum or aluminium thickness 1.6mm minimum. - Lamella 140
For use with flat metal skins of steel thickness 0.5mm minimum or aluminium thickness 0.9mm minimum. - Dimensions
Supplied in dimensions to suit the customers bespoke requirements.
Can be manufactured to tolerances of:
+/- 0.5mm on the thickness
+/- 2.0mm in the length and width.
- Finishes
Usually supplied with glass fibre open weave carrier facings to both sides which ensure integrity of the slab prior to manufacture and permits full adhesive infusion between panel skin and rock fibre.
Other finishes such as aluminium foil or tissue faces are available on request.
AIM Twin Scrim Lamella Pads are stretch wrapped
onto wooden pallets with a showerproof polythene
pallet cover and high quality edge protectors.
Acoustic Properties
Bonded panels manufactured with lamella slabs offer
high resistance to transmitted sound.
Where perforated metal is used as a face, the panel
with also provide good acoustic absorption.
Dimensionally stable and may be used with different materials on each side without fear of delamination due to unequal expansion.

Overall fire resistance is dependent on the type of facing used and the adhesive required to bond it to the lamella meaning any fire performance would need to be determined by testing.
Thermal Properties
Lamella slabs have excellent thermal performance.
Items required for installation
- PPE abrasion resistant gloves
- PPE impact resistant goggles
- RPE dust mask - FFP3
Twin Scrim Lamella Pads are easy to handle but should be treated with relative care to ensure their integrity and shape is maintained.
Products are supplied on wooden pallets with edge
protection and a shower proof hood. Products should
be stored away from the elements until ready for
Should indoor storage be impossible the product
should be stacked clear of the ground and covered
with a stout tarpaulin.
This product does not contain moving parts and, if undisturbed in the cavity, requires no routine inspections or maintenance.
AIM Twin Scrim Lamella Pads are chemically inert, completely vermin and rot proof and do not encourage the growth of fungi, mould or bacteria. Lamella slabs are not known to degrade under normal conditions found in buildings and will perform effectively for the life of the building.
Insulation products supplied by AIM are considered
to be inert articles and as such are exempt from
requirements to provide a Safety Data Sheet.
A Product Safety and Handling Information Sheet is
available upon request.
Twin Scrim Lamella Pads have an ozone depletion
potential of zero.
For product recycling please contact: Rockwool
T: 01656 868400 E: [email protected]
All Twin Scrim Lamella Pads are made to order.
Products are typically supplied in seven to ten
working days but lead times may vary depending on
existing factory commitments.
There is no minimum order quantity or value although
small orders may attract transport surcharges.
Please contact our experienced sales team on
01293 582 400 or [email protected].
Technical Support is available from our experienced
sales team on 01293 582 400 or
[email protected]
Our Partners & Affiliates

AIM are partners with NBS. Our products can be found on NBS Source and have been authored to NBS specification standards and have both CAWS and Uniclass 2015 classifications.

AIM are working in partnership with Rockwool.